Tuesday, April 24, 2007


I will probably edit this post so those of you luck enough to read it before I do will read a very rough version.

This past week has been a rather rough one. I have be trying to make some pretty major decisions in my life and in the mean time the everyday tasks have been pushed to the side. As a result a pretty important presentation I made failed miserably. It was an upsetting and rather humiliating experience BUT (good lesson learned) the world did not come to an end! And I benefited from someone's great kindness.

Tom McNulty, a great librarian and a teacher I had not given proper credit to, sent me a very kind email after the experience offering me his help and expertise. He went out of his way to offer his sympathy and assistance. And now, because of the 45 minutes he was willing to sacrifice for me, I am back on track.

I want to be more like Tom.

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