How often do actually go to a post office? If you are like me it is an annual event that usually coincides with the payment to the man, the tax man. This week I had the unusual opportunity to set foot in what is soon to be an antiquated institution, and now I hope I’ll have the chance to go back soon – very soon!
I’m Going Postal
…but not how you think I mean. The crazy explosion of postal worker tempers leading to the violent shoot outs of the 1990’s created a stereotype engrained in the minds of Americans - as well as a great catch phrase - but something has changed. In post offices across American (well in New York and California at least) I have found some of the happiest, friendliest, most cheerful people around. These postal workers have gone out of their way and above and beyond the call of duty to serve me and brighten my day. While helping me find the right shipping container they have shared stories of their families and encouraged me to really appreciate mine; as they helped me pay for postage they shared a love of music, humming along to the tunes playing overhead; and when I thanked them for their service they expressed words of love.
I want to be like them. I want to go postal.