Friday, May 1, 2009

Friday Favorites #5

Sorry for the absence (not that anyone reads my blog anymore anyway!) Life got busy and then I went on a little vay-cay, but I will try to make it up to you!

Today's Friday Favorite - is random reunions.

Have you ever had people in your life that you absolutely love but for whatever reason you lost contact with them? For me, this happens more often than I would like to admit. But nothing beats the joy of randomly reuniting with long lost friends. Luckily for me this has been happening surprisingly often lately.

No, these reunions were not done the easy way through facebook or blogging (well - okay there is one exception to that). They were truly random reunions.

Example #1
A few days ago I went to my voice lesson, as I do each week, and was greeted by my voice teacher telling me there was someone he would like me to meet. As he let me in the girl who was waiting in the room behind him slowly turned around and I immediately realized I knew her from long ago. Allison Appleby. About five years ago she and I did a crazy play together called "This Must Be the Place"
This was an incredibly fortuitous reunion for me. Because Mahlon (my voice teacher) made her wait to meet me that day Allison and I are now doing an in-concert version of Sweeny Todd together in about 3 weeks!

Example #2
Years ago there were three sister missionaries serving in my parents ward (yes, you read that correctly -three). These were the best sister missionaries ever. I became very fond of these sister missionaries, particularly Sis. Peterson and Sis. Gefeke. I would dare say we were good friends except they were on a mission and I was not. When I returned to BYU that year I lost track of all three of the sisters. Just this week, completely out of the blue, I found out that Sis. Peterson was not that lost at all but the sister of a friend I have known (or known of) for years.


Sara said...

When are we going to have a reunion?

Where did you go on your trip?

Sara said...

SOON!!! Want to randomly meet in Utah the last weekend in June?